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The module is designed to perform checksum corrections and CVN (Calibration Verification Number) of the DENSO and DELPHI engine control units of the TOYOTA and LEXUS vehicles.
The module supports checksum corrections in the following ECUs:
- Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Hino with Denso и Delphi GEN1 ECUs equipped with NEC 76F0004/15/23/38/39/40/70/85 и Motorola MPC565.
- Toyota, Lexus with Denso GEN2 (newGEN) ECUs.
File size: 192kb, 256kb, 320kb, 368kb, 384kb, 496kb, 736kb, 992kb, 1024kb, 1280kb, 1536kb, 2048kb.
The module supports CVN recalculations in the following ECUs:
- Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Hino with Denso GEN1 ECUs equipped with NEC 76F0038/39/40/70/85.
- Toyota, Lexus with Denso GEN2 (newGEN) ECUs.