The original iProg Pro programmer is designed to program control units and automotive electronics. Its functionality allows you to work with odometers, crash data, immobilizer, support transponders (registering new keys and deleting old ones), has a huge coverage of vehicles.
Main functions of iProg RRO:
- Odometer correction via OBDII connector
- Odometer correction on the bench via adapters
- Unlocking radios
- Working with keys (IMMO, Transponders), copying, preparing, unlocking
- Working with IMMO dumps
- Working with SRS airbag ECUs, deleting crash data
- Converting readings from miles to KM
- Reading and writing processors and EEPROM used in cars
- Deleting a particulate filter in a dump
- Working with intercom keys
- Calculating PIN from a dump
Supports the EEPROM area reading/writing, as well as reading/writing/erasing the incremental area in 35080 6, 35080V6, 35080VP, 080D0WQ, 160D0WQ chips.
Supports the ability to read/write the EEPROM area, as well as reading/writing/erasing the incremental area in 35080 6, 35080V6, 35080VP, 080D0WQ, 160D0WQ chips.
Possibility of manual switching of operating modes, as well as automatically (with implemented control from the script via pin18)