bFlash Update!

UI / UX Update

— Improved navigation (keyboard shortcuts, switch between flash, diag, log on the same protocol,…)
— .MDF files are now associated with bFlash, you can double click for direct openning
— Automatic selection of the protocol for logger & diagnostic
— New logger interface: improved display, user configurable warnings, variables grouped by functions, variable name filter
— Logger native support for CCP/XCP on CAN/Mode 23 UDS and KWP
(expert feature: email support for detail)

bDiag Update
— Update of the generic OBDII/SAE definitions to 2020 descriptions
— Added Ford UDS diagnostics for MED17, EDC17, MG1 and MD1
— Added VAG UDS diagnostics for MED17, EDC17, MG1 and MD1
— Added Porsche 9×1 SDI9 diagnostics
— Added Porsche 9×1 SDI21 diagnostics
— Added Porsche 992 MG1CP007 diagnostics
bLog Update
Here are the most important improvements:
— Update of all old loggers (yes, all of them!)
— Added specific logger for Porsche SDI21.½/3
— Added specific logger for Porsche MG1CP007
— Added specific logger for VAG PCR2.1
— Added specific logger for VAG EDC17C46/C54/C64/C74/CP44/CP54
— Added specific logger for VAG MD1CS004/MD1CP004/MD1CP014
This brand new unique feature is available for:
— McLaren P11 / P13 / P14
— Porsche 9×1.1 / 9×1.2 / 992
— Audi/Seat/Skoda/VW UDS
Please note: Dynomode is an advanced feature designed for use by trained technicians on adequate testing equipment
bFlash new protocols
  • Ford protocol automatic recognition of control unit at reading/writing time.
  • Ford protocol allows application software reflash for MG1CS015/016/017/019, MEDG17.0, EMS24xx, EMS25xx, EDC17CP42 and EDC17CP65. Other models to follow!
  • Ford protocol now automatically detects area to reflash.
  • (unchanged areas are skipped)
  • Ford protocol now supports compressed flash (faster flash) for MG1CS015/016/017/019 and EDC17CP65.
  • Can-Am
    • BOSCH MG1CA920 MPC5898
  • FORD
    • BOSCH EDC17CP65 TC1793
    • BOSCH EDC17CP05 TC1797
  • JLR
    • BOSCH VC1CP103 TC277 (I-Pace)
    • BOSCH MG1CS028 TC298
  • PSA
    • BOSCH MG1CS032 MPC5898N
    • EDC17C55 TC1767
  • VW 
    • BOSCH INVCON2.3 TC1797 (E-Golf MK7)
    • BOSCH INVCON3.3 TC275 (E-Golf MK7.5)
  • FORD
    • SIEMENS EMS24xx TC1791
    • BOSCH EDC17CP42 TC1791
    • BOSCH EDC17CP65 TC1793
    • BOSCH MG1CS019 TC298
WINTER SALE! PCMFlash and more!