SLK-07 maker (Page 1 AA)
Item no.:SLK-07E – Toyota & Lexus 128bit smart keys with Page 1 AA
I. Getting Started
This Help relates to Tango software version 1.117 (September 2020) and up.
SLK-07 serves two purposes:
1. Cloning existing Toyota/Lexus 128bit smart Keys with Page 1 AA
2. Allows addition of used (reset) or otherwise unauthorized Toyota/Lexus 128bit smart Keys with Page 1 AA to be added to vehicle through SLK-07 utility function.
System requirements for cloning:
- Tango programmer
- SLK-07E emulator
- Toyota maker
- SLK-07 maker
System requirements for SLK-07 Utility:
- Tango programmer
- SLK-07E emulator
- Toyota maker
- SLK-07 maker
- Toyota Techstream online service (3rd party service)
- Internet connection
SLK -07E
SLK-07E is battery powered. Note that a battery is not included with an emulator and has to be obtained locally. Three standard types of battery are compatible for our emulators:CR1616, CR1620, CR1632. SLK-07E retains programmed data if it is not powered.
II. Cloning existing P1 AA smart key
Cloning existing Toyota/Lexus 128bit smart Keys with Page 1 AA is straight forward and similar to all existing in Tango cloning functions.
- Insert in coil the key which is to be cloned.
- Press Read
- Press Decode Transponder
- Once decoded remove the key and place a battery powered SLK-07E emulator
- Press Write
III. SLK-07 Utility
SLK-07 Utility interface is self explanatory and requires internet connection. Note that Step3 requires Toyota Techstream online service, which is a 3rd party service which we don’t provide and access to it may vary on external factors.
IV. FAQ and Remarks
Q: Does SLK-07 allow for all keys lost situation?
A: No.
Q: Does removing battery erase data in SLK-07?
A: No, but the emulator still requires power in order to operate.
This maker will work if the main Toyota Key Maker is active!