Delphi MT80.1 (Chevrolet Cruze) ECU fast reading

Delphi MT80.1 (Chevrolet Cruze) ECU fast reading

Chevrolet Cruze vehicles with 1.6 engines (the same as Chevrolet Lacetti) were manufactured with Delphi MT80.1 ECUs. In certain regions there are quite a lot of these vehicles. So much so you can call it people’s car. That’s why you encounter a lot of “Cruzes” while working with Chevrolet vehicles.

If so, you are aware that the average time reading Delphi MT80.1 firmware is about 25 minutes. Not so long, since there are ECUs that take hours to read. However, the time can be reduced to 1 minute. We are talking about the Combiloader extended module.

So the extended license for Combiloader’s module Delphi MT60/80 allows getting full access to ECU contents via diagnostic connector without opening it. It means that you can clone these ECUs without opening them. Moreover the extended license allows read/write this ECUs ten times faster than regular license and other flashers. In this article we will explain how to use the advantage of fast reading on Chevrolet Cruze and ECU Delphi MT80.1 examples.


Step 1. Make sure you are working with Delphi MT80.1.

Step 2. Remove the starter relay from the fuse box (this is necessary when working with the extended version of the module). The fuse box is located under the hood near the battery. The required relay is signed as “02 - Starter Solenoid” (see photo).

Step 3. Plug a J2534 adapter into the OBDII connector, start the flasher, choose the required module, turn on the ignition, start reading with pressed ctrl key (details in the instructions to Combiloader). Firmware (dump) reading takes about 1 minute. When it’s done, turn off the ignition.

Step 4. Set the removed relay back in the fuse box, as we do not need the extended license for writing.

Step 5. Choose the tuning firmware file from the catalog. You can use online-module to do identification.

Delphi MT80.1 identification

Step 6. Write the tuning firmware file in the ECU. Write only the calibration area! The advanced functionality is no longer used, so no additional keys need to be pressed when writing. Calibrations are written within about one minute.

Step 7. Turn on the ignition, erase the starter relay error from the ECU memory with a scanner, start the car.

Usually, it takes about 10-15 minutes in total. It is 3-4 times faster than using the “normal” (slow) reading.

In conclusion, we would like to make a remark: if you tune 1-2 cars per week (or even less often) this topic most likely will not interest you. Although, if you take 4-5 cars per day (what we strive for) among which often are Cruzes 1.6, then the saved time may be worth much more than the money spent on an advanced module (actual cost of the extension at the time of writing is about 70 USD).

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