What's new with WinOLS5

WinOLS have developed the following new features for you:

  • All linked maps of a group can be closed by double-clicking on the folder
  • Link maps: New: can save in folder
  • Import folder: New: Use source file name as project name
  • New option: Start password protection (F12>Miscellaneous)
  • KF list: Ctrl+Shift+click on SizeFilter for high, narrow maps
  • KF list: Double-click on folder name to open/close coupled maps (if useful)

WinOLS can offer you the following feature updates:

  • SearchBytes: Context menu: Set to 0 in the (coupling) window

  • SearchBytes: Template list for DropDown button

And here are the latest improvements that are currently available with WinOLS®5:

  • Swap detection improved
  • Project list no longer flickers
  • WinOLS service can connect to 2 service consoles at the same time
  • SearchBytes: Drop-down history can be deleted
  • Differences: Default value for max. differences can be changed if no project is open
  • Skip KP import with Shift if it is directly at 100%
  • Management of project properties for BxxToGo import has been improved
  • Recognition of project properties CRD3 has been improved