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Via OBD or on the bench;
EEPROM R/W — 95320 EEPROM reading/writing;
Built-in IMMO, CS, MAC,LOGIN, VIN editor;
There is no need to open the ECU and solder 95320 EEPROM out in order to wirk wih an external flashing tool. It is a great advantage which allows to preserve the ECU seals.
The module allows to clone the IMMO data, edit it and write it back.
These ECUs were installed in VW Polo 2009–2018, SCODA Rapid with 1.6L CFNA/CFNB/CLRA Magneti Mareli 7GV, 1.4 BUD/BXW/CGGA/CGGB Magneti Mareli 4HV engines.